
Metal Industry Strike probably over.

A NUMSA letter is doing the rounds stating that the strike will be “strategically settled”.

The letter states that the settlement is:


- 2021/2022 increase: 5% for grade A, and 6% for grades F, G and H.

- 2022/2023 increase will be CPI plus 0.5% improvement factor .

- 2023/2024 increase will be CPI plus 1% improvement factor.

Return to work will be from 22 October 2021 to 25 October 2021.

The issue of increase on actuals or minimum, or backdating has not been addressed.

NUMSA will hold a press conference at 16h00 today which will confirm the settlement, and its details.

Brentwood will inform you about the details as they roll out.

Mark - 07:44 @ common, Industrial Relations, Human Resources | Add a comment

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